Data management and data privacy
The purpose of this document is to present the provisions, commitments and conditions of ITNH InnoTech Nord Hungary Ltd. (hereinafter ITNH Ltd.) related to data management and data privacy.
General rules
The information, documents and other content displayed on the website are primarily for informational purposes. They cannot be evaluated as specific offers or revelations.
We would also like to inform you that viewing our website means unconditional acceptance of the following:
- The website and all its contents are protected by copyright, the exclusive owner of which is the website maintainer. It is forbidden to use the entire website or any part of its content in any form without the prior written consent of the maintainer.
- We seize on the right to modify or revise our website at any time, or to limit or eliminate its availability. We do not guarantee the continuity and error-free access to the website, as well as the up-to-dateness of the content appearing on it.
- As the maintainer of the website, we are not responsible for any damages or inconveniences resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the information, documents and other content available on the website.
- We are also not responsible for content created by third parties that are linked to our website in any direction. In the case of these websites, their operators have their own authority regarding the terms of use of the websites they handle and the data management solutions used there.
As follows, we present ITNH Ltd.’s data management and data policy solutions, what information it stores and how and for what it can be used for. We also inform you how you can act regarding to the data relating to you and/or your company, how you can control this data and its use and management by ITNH Ltd., and how you can dispose of the further use and management of this data.
These provisions comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, such as: Act CXIX of 1995 on the Use of Name and Address Information Serving the Purpose of Research an Direct Marketing; Act VI of 1998 on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data; Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information (“Privacy Act”).
ITNH Ltd., as the data controller, seizes on the right to amend the provisions contained in this document. The current version of ITNH Ltd.'s regulations on data management and data privacy is always available on the website www.itnh.hu. Any user of the website is entitled to print this document and use it in their own quality 1 assurance system, as the document of ITNH Ltd.
Management of technical and personal data
Viewing the website of ITNH Ltd. fundamentally does not oblige the User to provide their personal data. However, during the operation of the system, data is generated which is technically recorded for administrative, statistical or security reasons, and which the system records and logs as an automatic result of technical processes (such data can be the User's Internet service provider and in some cases its IP address; the version number of the operating system and the browser of the User's computer; the website from which the User accessed ITNH Ltd.'s website and the pages the User visited on the website; and the search terms the User used to access the website). These technical data cannot be combined with other personal data of the User. Exceptions to this may be cases made mandatory by law. In all other cases, only the data controller ITNH Ltd. can access the data.
This website may place cookies on the user's browsing device, if the user especially approves this upon first accessing the website. These cookies are not placed by the website maintainer, but on the User's device, so the User has full control over them. Cookies can be turned off in the browser settings. However, if you disable, deactivate or delete them, some services of the website may not work properly. The site can use the cookies to perform the service requested by the User, for analyses, customized content and advertisements.
It may happen that content is uploaded to the website, access to which depends on the identification of the User. Thus, if the User wishes to access these restricted contents, it will be necessary to provide personal data. They can be: personal name, company name, email, phone number, address, over and above other data (e.g. tax number). The provision of these identification data is therefore based on the User's own decision, so, the User voluntarily makes them available to the website maintainer in order to access the limited content, and at the same time consent to their recording, use and processing.
ITNH Ltd., as a data controller, undertakes not to use the personal data provided for purposes other than those described above. The transfer of personal data to a third party is only possible with the prior express consent of the User, unless legislation or binding official regulations or obligations do not provide otherwise.
ITNH Ltd. does not check the personal data provided by the User. The person providing the data is exclusively responsible for the adequacy of the data provided, and at the same time entering its email address, also takes responsibility for the exclusive use of the service required to access restricted content from the specified e-mail address. Regarding to this, all responsibility related to logins with a given registration is the sole responsibility of the user who registered the email address.
ITNH Ltd., as a data controller, undertakes to handle all data obtained from Users (with particular regard to personal data) with the utmost care in order to prevent its loss, accidental or intentional change, as well as unauthorized access or use. The User is authorized to check ITNH Ltd.'s data management security practices. The User must indicate this intention in writing.
In case of termination of any conditions for data storage, the data will be deleted by ITNH Ltd. Including the User's written intention in this regard, the details of which are contained in the next point.
Provision of the User regarding personal data
The User may request the deletion of his/her personal data from the register at any time, and the User can withdraw their consent to the use or processing of their personal data at any time.
The User can also request changes to their personal data. If this option is available on the website, the modification can also be made on the page containing the User's personal data (e.g. User account).
The User must notify ITNH Ltd., as the data controller, of their request for modification or deletion of personal data in writing. This can be done by post or e-mail. The official postal and e-mail addresses are those that appear on the website when the letter is sent. ITNH Ltd., as the data controller, has maximum of 15 days from the receipt of the written request to modify or delete personal data. ITNH Ltd. declares its intention that, in the case of serious abuse, it will take immediate action in order to carry out the modification or deletion requested by the User as soon as possible.
ITNH Ltd. does not assume responsibility for the recoverability of previous data after the request for deletion or modification of personal data has been fulfilled.
Transfer of data to third parties
ITNH Ltd., as a data controller, is entitled and obliged to forward the data available to it and properly managed by it to the competent authorities without special notification of the User, in the event of a legally binding official obligation. In such a case, ITNH Ltd. assumes no responsibility for the transfer of data to third parties, as well as for the resulting consequences.
Technical tasks related to the operation of ITNH Ltd.'s website (hosting services, web development, etc.) are carried out by specialized companies in a contractual relationship with ITNH Ltd. Based on their activities, these companies inevitably have access to the technical or even personal data of Users visiting the website. These data are handled by the companies concerned in accordance with their own data management and data privacy regulations.
In the course of fulfilling the customer's needs, packages may also be delivered. For this reason, ITNH Ltd. may forward the User's personal and order data to package delivery companies in order to deliver the ordered packages, which handle them according to their own data management and data privacy policies.
Manage redirects
Links and plugins have been placed and may be placed on the website, the activation of which may result in some kind of redirection or automatic activity by clicking on it. These can be: links to additional websites, active links in the case of email addresses, or plug-ins for example the case of Linkedin, Facebook, etc. In these cases, the User's computer and its browser are connected to the IT system of the third party. Therefore, the provisions and commitments of their own data protection and data management regulations apply to the handling of the User's data by third parties.
Duration of data management
In the absence of a deletion request from the User, ITNH Ltd. can handle the User's data for an open-ended period, but it can decide to delete these data at any time within your own authority, as long as it doesn't obstruct or make it impossible for the User to use the system properly.
If ITNH Kft. becomes aware of information according to which the User has verifiably used the personal data illegally or provided misleading information, so it is entitled to delete the User's data immediately at the same time as termination the User's registration. However, in case of suspicion of a criminal offense or civil liability, ITNH Ltd. entitled to keep all data for the duration of the procedure and/or make it available to the authorities.
A hacker attack against the IT system of ITNH Ltd. or another similar incident affecting stored and managed data (e.g. any serious server-side problem) is considered force majeure, therefore, in such a case, ITNH Ltd. is not responsible for the loss or possible disclosure of the data.
Date of publication: 13.06.2022.